Top 4 reason phone charms are trending nowdays

In a world where personal style meets practicality, Laviscart’s phone charms emerge as the trendy solution. With their fusion of functionality, style, comfort, and personalization, they’re not just accessories; they’re statements of individuality and nostalgia, bringing a touch of uniqueness to every smartphone.

“I’m so ready to take that procrastinated beach trip I’ve been planning for so long. I can’t wait to flood my instagram with thousands of mirrors selfies and watch my followers go all gaga over my aesthetic feed.”

*Goes on to take the pictures*

We guessed it right. The only thing missing in action is your phone. It looks so out of place and morose that ruins your vibe.

Phone charms, also known as phone straps or phone dangles, are small decorative items attached to mobile phones. Typically made from materials like plastic, metal, resin, or fabric, these charms can feature various designs, including characters, symbols, or beads. They often have a loop or string that threads through a small hole on the phone case or a specific attachment point. Phone charms serve both aesthetic and practical purposes, such as expressing personal style, adding a playful touch, or making the phone easier to find and handle.

Top 4 reason phone charms are trending nowdays

Functionality :

All phone charms have practical uses beyond decoration, such as being combined with wrist straps or stands, adding both aesthetic and functional value to the device.

While you’re struggling to pick your shopping bags up, you won’t be hackneyed with picking your phone up. A phone charm will do the job for you and hang firmly.

Style : Phone charms have become a part of the broader trend of accessorizing technology. Just like phone cases, phone charms can be fashionable accessories that complement a person’s overall look, making their device a part of their personal style.

Comfort : Phone charms were popular in the early 2000s, and their resurgence taps into the nostalgia for that era. The comfort, the ease and the convenience are aspects to think about. All kinds of lengths, shapes and sizes and even clasps to fit into every phone case, there’s no stone a phone charm  has left unturned.

Personalization: Phone charms offer a unique way to personalize smartphones, which are otherwise quite uniform. People can express their individuality and personal style through the selection of phone charms that reflect their colours, passions , hobbies, or favorite characters. Phone charms often come in various designs, encouraging people to collect them. This aspect of collectability appeals to many, especially when brands release limited edition or themed sets.

Although the solution to that has already been taken into consideration ,cue Phone Charms . Little novelties of multifarious colour and abstract shapes , phone charm are seen everywhere. From K pop concerts to the American streets, it’s the phone charms that have united the youth.


In a world dominated by sleek gadgets, Laviscart offers phone charms that are  delightful throwback to the era of personalization and flair. Beyond their decorative appeal, these tiny trinkets serve as functional companions, easing the burdens of everyday life while infusing smartphones with a touch of individuality and style.